
2021年1月15日—Hey!Isawanoldtweetfromtelegram'stwitterwhichsaidthatifyouhaveforgottenyourpasscode,youcansimplyuninstalltheapp, ...,2023年1月8日—Howdoweresetourpasscode?Ihavebothapasscodeandfacialrecognitionsetuptoopenuptheapp.ButIcan'trememberthepasscodeIset ...,2022年9月22日—TorecoveryourTelegrampassword,opentheTelegramapp,tapForgotpassword?orasimilaroption,andfollowthepromptstoresetyour ...,2...

Forgotten passcode?

2021年1月15日 — Hey! I saw an old tweet from telegram's twitter which said that if you have forgotten your passcode, you can simply uninstall the app, ...

How do we reset our passcode?

2023年1月8日 — How do we reset our passcode? I have both a passcode and facial recognition set up to open up the app. But I can't remember the passcode I set ...

How to recover my Telegram password

2022年9月22日 — To recover your Telegram password, open the Telegram app, tap Forgot password? or a similar option, and follow the prompts to reset your ...

How to Reset or Unlock Your Telegram Passcode

2022年4月12日 — Unfortunately, there is no other way to reset or remove the passcode. Customer. If I uninstall it will delete everything.

Lost Password

Enter your email address and we'll email you a link to reset your password ; Email Address ...

On my Telegram account, I forgot my password. What do ...

2023年8月25日 — Tap on Forgot Password? or Get help signing in: Below the login fields, you will find a link or button that says Forgot Password? or Get ...